Everett car insurance

Why an Independent Insurance Agent is important

In the age of technology and “needing” information now, more consumers are moving to the Internet to get their insurance information instead of utilizing an independent agent. Unfortunately, those who bypass an agent are missing out on valuable expertise and advice without even realizing it. Here are four important facts about independent insurance agents: Work [...]

What is an umbrella insurance policy?

Umbrella insurance is the most valuable coverage you've probably never heard of. Yet it's highly likely you need it. And it isn't just for high earners. It's for everyone, especially if you: -Own a car -Have regular income, assets, or retirement savings to protect -Have children, especially a teenage driver -Use social media or allow [...]

We are your insurance specialist!

If you were to get sick, would you let just anyone prescribe you medication? What if your vehicle needed repairs. Don't you want someone that is trained and skilled working on your vehicle? Just like Doctors and mechanics are specialist in their field, we are your specialist in the insurance industry. Insurance is complicated, especially [...]

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